Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog for the Day

We both recall the first time we entered a grocery shop here in the Bay Area and how overwhelming and time consuming it was.  After spending hours wandering up and down the aisles not knowing any of the products, thinking where is the marmite and salad cream!!  Here is a list of helpful shop references to guide you where to find different products.  You will find that you can't buy a tin of beans for 50p and that cereals are very expensive.

Food Shops
Lucky’s, Safeway and Nob Hill
These are all big chains in the Bay Area. Lucky’s, Safeway and Nob Hill for general shopping.

Trader Joe’s, Lunardi's and Whole Foods

Specialist food shops.  Organic food, English cheese and nice bread etc. Trader Joes is cheaper but smaller.
British food
Trader Joes, Lunardi's, Whole Foods, Cost Plus, Safeway and any Indian Store

Other than the British food Shop Cost Plus is the best place to buy British food at a reasonable price. Any Indian shop is even cheaper for baked beans, tea bags and bourbon biscuits and obviously Indian food.

You will also have to learn that people are never in a rush, will pack your bags for you and want to know where you are from, they will love your accent and ask if you are from London (as that's the only English place they know) and the ultimate question, have you met the Queen?

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Have a nice day!

Your friendly expates

1 comment:

  1. Great information, I'm enjoying reading your blog.
